Contribute To Mission

When you click the DONATE button below, you will have several giving options. We encourage you to help support the church planting work of Global Mission pioneers, urban centers of influence, and tentmakers among the world’s most unreached communities by giving up something for mission.

We know you are already faithfully returning your tithes and offerings through your local church. By so doing you are helping to equip and train hundreds of cross-cultural missionaries and providing them with resources to reach out through wholistic ministry in our schools, hospitals, clinics, and media. But today we are asking you to consider giving a gift to Global Mission that is over and above your regular weekly giving.

Are you ready to give something up for mission?

Here’s how to do it:

  1. Click on the DONATE button below
  2. Select the amount you want to give.
  3. Under “My donation is for” select “Global Mission’s Annual Sacrifice Offering.”
  4. Complete the rest of the billing details on your form.
  5. Thank you in advance for giving up something for mission!
